Year 6 have had a fabulous, hour hands on maths session with ‘Explore Learning’.
Creating our own ‘Xbox’, got us really thinking and being creative with the nets of shapes.
We loved the session and can’t wait for another one!
This half term has been full of our children winning their ‘Strong and Powerful’ pins!
These children have shown excellent resilience to new challenges, leadership skills and qualities and have been working hard at managing their own emotions to ensure they continue to take big steps in their learning. Congratulations everyone!
On Friday we were in the middle of a history lesson about fossil finder Mary Anning when Mr Osborne came in and surprised us with a real collection of fossils! We had a great time holding the fossils and looking closely at the amazing patterns. Mr Osborne told us that they are millions of years old and were found in the very same place that Mary Anning found her fossils!
Thank you Mr Osborne for re-igniting our dinosaur project! Here are some photos of us holding the fossils.
As part of our independent writing this week we have written our own information reports on Mary Anning. The children have applied their knowledge of information reports from our literacy lessons and combined this with the information we have learnt about Mary Anning in history.
Here are Max and Lola’s fantastic examples!
Year 2 were very lucky to have a visit from Mr Osbourne who shared some of his very own fossils with us. This fitted perfectly with our Dinosaur project… especially as we have just learnt about Mary Anning.
Here are some of the fossils that the children of Year 2 were able to investigate:
Thank you Mr Osborne!
We were very excited to award our very first Calm pin in Class 2b.
This particular young man is a great asset to our class and we are so proud of him. He has set a perfect example to the rest of the team in Class 2b! Well done!
Just a quick message to say Miss Jeffs’ after school maths club running on 11.2.15 is cancelled. Sorry for any inconvenience this may cause.
Miss Jeffs’ before school reading clubs are still on.
Thank you.