Across year 3 and 4 today, children have been involved in an ignite day for the 500 word competition for Radio 2! Each classroom has been set up with a different theme; The secret garden, portholes, dinosaurs, a crime scene and a magic box. Children were taken on a series of journeys with a range of resources, visual aids and mysteries to solve. All children have now begun writing their stories and will complete these as homework over the weekend to submit next week:)
Well done to these children who have completed fantastic David Walliams homework!
Well done to Jamie-Lea and Joe for producing the winning persuasive pieces which will be sent off to try and win us the David Walliams visit!
Here is the homework for my SPAGĀ group this week.
Please answer the questions on verbs and adverbsĀ and bring to school on Tuesday 10th February ready to mark on the Wednesday.
Any questions come and see me on Monday.
Here is the homework for my readingĀ group this week.
PleaseĀ read the section on inference. Then read the text on the first page. Once you have read, please have a go at the 6 questions on the next page.
Any questions come and see me on Monday.
This homework is in on Tuesday 10th February 2015 ready to mark on Wednesday.
Here is the homework for my maths group this week.
Please answer the 15 mental maths questions and bring to school on Tuesday 10th February ready to mark on the Wednesday.
Any questions come and see me on Monday.
We enjoyed some shared reading at the end of the day.
We paired up and read stories to each other helping each other to sound out unfamiliar words. It was a great way to practise reading with lots of expression.