Here is the Year 3 and 4 spelling list from the National Curriculum in case anyone wants to continue practicing spellings at home over half term.
This week, Year 4 have started helping out in the school Office. Two Year 4 children have gone down each day to spend the day working at the front desk. The 10 children that have gone down this week have really enjoyed their days at the office and have developed skills in responsibility, communication and reciprocity. During their days, they have been welcoming visitors to school with a gotcha smile, doing photocopying and shredding jobs and walking younger children around the school to and from their classrooms.
This will continue every day until the end of the year so we have lots more opportunities for lots more children in Year 4 to have this experience.
At the end of our project we shared our homework all about our extreme environment and endangered animal. Parents came in and we all really enjoyed sharing what we had learnt.
At the end of our project we made some cookies, iced biscuits and cupcakes for our campaign day. We loved cooking and applying our maths skills to measuring ingredients.
In science last week we made some teeth to learn about the functions of teeth in science. We had great fun designing the different types of teeth and gum.
The body coach (Joe Wicks) did an amazing fitness session for the whole country on youtube. We took part and had a great time! There was lots of sweating and smiles!
Mr Kerin
At parents evening, lots of parents said that it would be helpful to have a list of websites for children to go on at home to practice their times tables and other number facts and their spellings. Here is a list of websites with links to games and to sites where you can download worksheets which all link to the Year 4 standard.
Over the past 2 weeks, Year 4 have been working on their Journey Project across all areas of the curriculum. In maths, we have been working on 2D shape and looking at some artwork by Karla Gerard, discussing how she uses shape to create her masterpieces. We had a go at creating our own artwork in her style with a Brooklands Farm twist.
In Literacy, we had a go at creating some poems in the style of Tony Mitton’s ‘I wanna be a star’. We thought about what we wanted to achieve in Year 4 and how much we have already achieved in our Journey at Brooklands Farm.
This Journey Project culminated in our Year 3 and 4 performance, which we very much hope you enjoyed.
You can find a copy of the Year 4 Home Learning and Spellings below. It relates to our next Project – Extreme Environments!!
Last week we had lots of fun in our computing. We discussed algorithms and coding programmes in different ways such as; crating our own crazy characters and getting others to follow the algorithm, creating a route somewhere following an algorithm and we used scratch to debug mistakes and create our own routes.