Year 5 Individual Homework

Due in Thursday 11th January


This week, for our Harry Potter project, as we have been to visit Warner Bros. Studio Tour London – The Making of Harry Potter, could you please answer the following questions?

  1. What was your favourite part of the tour?
  2. What did you learn from your visit to the studios?
  3. Can you name all the Harry Potter books?
  4. What was the most interesting fact you found out?

Borrowers project pupils:

  1. Who is your favourite character?
  2. Do you think they are borrowing or stealing? Is it right?
  3. If you could borrow just one item as a Borrower, what would you borrow?


Please practise these spellings in different ways and learn the meaning of each word.

Year 5 spelling words –
The r is doubled if the –fer is still stressed when the ending is added. The r is not doubled if the –fer is no longer stressed.
Referring Reference
Referred Referee
Referral Preference
Preferring Transference


You need to be reading for at least 15 minutes every day at home. This needs to be a combination of independent reading and reading to an adult. Remember to record this in your reading record, even if it is not a school reading book – it can be any form of reading, newspaper, diary, story, information text etc. 

Remember your fluency level book to read at home.


Please log on to your Mathletics account and complete the activity that has been set for you. We have also set times tables activities to practise on Times Table Rock Stars to achieve your certificates, which are given out in celebration assembly.


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