Year 1 have been really engaged in making their own story books. They love making books and are enjoying being authors.
We have invented our own stories based on the story of The Little Red Hen.

Year 5 are very busy rehearsing and filming their Horrible Histories Plague episodes! Not only have they been developing their knowledge and understanding of the Plague, they have also been growing in their group work skills. Year 5 have had ownership over this project, in their groups they have decided on their timetable and are responsible for managing their own time. They are definitely becoming individuals!
Here are some sneaky previews of their episodes:

Year 1 enjoyed eating their Christmas lunch!

Half of year 5 had good fun in their P.E lesson today! They learnt the beginning of a routine altogether but then in small groups had the freedom to choreograph the rest of the dance! They worked incredibly hard, the results were amazing for such a short space of time. We saw a variety of dance moves from street dance to some gymnastics. It was a fantastic way for them to show off their individual skills and style!
Here are some photos:

This week we have started our tree week project and the children have been learning about the Baobab Tree! They have remembered lots of fascinating facts about this interesting tree and are now starting to write their own information reports.
Here we are doing the Baobab quiz!

Next term Year 2 will be visiting the Natural History Museum in London. A letter has gone out on ParentMail, please return your permission slip before the end of this term.
Thank you,
Year 2 Teachers
Here is this weeks spelling homework. We would like you to research the words to find out what they mean. All of these words are in your reading text. You will be able to use these words in your tree week project work.
In year 5 we are studying the Oak tree for tree week. We have started by researching the lifecycle of the Oak Tree and have created excellent diagrams to show our learning.
We will use this knowledge to create poetry and art about the Oak Tree!