Here is the spelling list for Year 5/6 –
The spelling list and information about spellings for the whole of key stage 2 can be found on this website –
Here is the spelling list for Year 5/6 –
The spelling list and information about spellings for the whole of key stage 2 can be found on this website –
Thank you to all the parents who came to the SATs information evening in the first week of the half term. Here is a link to the powerpoint with all the information shared during the evening in case you were unable to attend.
you’ll find hedgehog dens!
1e had a wonderful time at Rushmere yesterday morning when they went to do some learning in the forest!
We had such a busy morning focusing on the different animals that lived in the woods. Herons were first on the list, we got to see how big herons had to build their nests and even looked through a telescope to look at the herons and their nests which were high in the trees!
In Literacy we used where’s wally pictures to see how important it is to describe noun’s. We began by looking for the clown in the picture, the picture was full of clowns so we had to add in more description. Can you find the red clown, and then the red clown with yellow buttons, the red clown with yellow buttons and blue and white striped trousers. We used these skills to describe the old woman in our story. The children came up with super descriptions!
6a are having a fantastic afternoon! For the ‘collect’ stage of our new project ‘The Vikings’, we have generated questions about things we would like to find out or learn more about. Now, we are using our reading corner and the iPads to carry out our own research to find the answers to these questions!
Just look at these learning zones!