A very talented young girl in 4b has written a song all about reading and how important it is to read! Joined by some of her friends in the class, they sang the song in Lower Key Stage 2’s celebration assembly this week. We are all very proud of her and the girls for singing this song and wanted to share this with you all!
Here are the wonderful winners of last week’s golden tea! We had a superb time celebrating their achievements and enjoying biscuits and juice. Well done to you all!

What a wonderful term the children have had. We are very proud of the achievements they have made along the way! Next term we will be exploring the project Extreme Environments. Please find the holiday homework below!
We hope you are all enjoying the holidays!
Mrs McNeaney, Miss Russell, Mr Stott
Well done everyone who attended the Golden Tea this week. We weren’t able to have it last Friday so we had it on Monday instead! 

Please click on the link above to access the homework. (The first page is blank, please keep scrolling down). Hope you are all having a wonderful weekend!