Year One have had a very busy second week back at school, lots of determined muscles were needed! This meant that many children in Year One achieved ticks on their determined target cards, for targets such as trying again, eye contact and volunteering for jobs – Well done!
In Literacy we have continued our writing sequence from Rosie’s Walk and invented our own versions of the text. For Maths, our focus has been place value, looking at ordering numbers, finding one more/one less than a given number, applying the children’s knowledge of counting forwards and backwards. Our Project lessons have continued with our ‘All About Me’ topic, taking inspiration from our trip to the park to look at our local area. Next week, we will be using our knowledge of our local area and country to compare it to another country in Europe, which will be very exciting!
Thank you to anyone who brought in leaves, conkers and twigs for our Autumnal areas. If you find some on a walk this weekend, we would love to have them in our class so that we can continue to explore and learn about the season.
Have a lovely weekend,
The Year One team.