Well done to Rebecca who has received her determined pin today. We are all so proud of you. We also bid farewell to Rebecca as she moves school. We have thoroughly enjoyed having you as a member of 1a – good luck for the future!
This week we have been putting together little books about ourselves. We have written about: the country and continent we live in; our eye colour; our favourite taste; and much more.
We look forward to welcoming you in to our classrooms on Thursday for a show and tell.
Today we created our own ending to “We’re going on a bear hunt!” We imagined that in the dark, gloomy cave there lived a wolf. We worked together to describe our wolf: “One cold, wet nose. Two big, googly eyes. Sharp, pointy teeth.”.
Towards the end of the week we will be going on our own hunt around the school. What might we find?
Congratulations to Malin who received her determined pin on Friday. It was lovely to share your achievement with your parents. 1a are proud of you!
This week we have been looking at our senses: sight, hearing, taste, touch and smell. We particularly enjoyed learning about taste. We learnt that lemons are sour, dark chocolate is bitter, crisps are salty and sweets are sweet (although sometimes they can be sour too!). We taste with our tongues – did you know that we are born with about 10,000 taste buds?
In year one next week we will be learning all about the exciting season autumn. If you happen to spot any leaves that have fallen off of trees or conkers when you are out and about this weekend, we would love it if could collect them and bring them into school so that we can use them for our activities. Enjoy your weekends year 1!
Miss Pinder, Mrs Francis and Miss Draper.
This week we have been learning the story “We’re going on a bear hunt.” We drew out the different scenes on to the playground with chalk before going on our own bear hunt. We went through the long wavy grass, the deep cold river, the thick oozy mud, the big dark forest, the swirling whirling snowstorm before reaching the narrow gloomy cave where the big bear lived! We had lots of fun and will be using what we learnt in our writing this week.
Thank you again to all of the parents who helped us.
Last week we moved our learning around the Project, Writing and Maths rooms for the first time. We showed determination to reach high learning zones in our new environments. Well done 1a, continue the great work this week!