Year 2 were shocked on Friday when the classroom had moved around and there were less tables! We have now found lots of places in the classroom to get into high learning zones.
Here are some photos of learning zone 5!
As part of our transition project ‘Aspiration and Insiration’ we met paralympic swimmer Kate Grey who told us the story of how she lost her arm in farm machinery when she was just 2 years old.
Kate talked to us about determination, resilience and finding solutions! We had lots of questions for Kate and we were excited by the stories she shared with us. We enjoyed some games and activities and Kate even showed us some of her medals that she has won.
Year 2 were thrilled to be involved in a fund raising activity this afternoon. Following an assembly by NSPCC representatives, the children took part in half an hours worth of different physical activities, including skipping, dribbling a football, running and more!
Our thanks go out to all friends and family members who have kindly sponsored the children and helped to raise money for this fantastic charity. If you haven’t done so already, please return your forms and sponsor money so we can count all your money and announce the grand total of money raised!
After a request from our Year 2 assessment meeting last term, here is a glossary we have created to support your children with writing in Year 2.
We have included guidance on how we teach the terms and an example of it in use. We hope you find this helpful!
Following our assessment meetings in Year 2, we have created the following videos for parents to inform you of the written maths methods we will be using in the summer term in Year 2. Below are the first videos with examples of how to use our written addition methods.
Your children will be learning these methods with their class teacher alongside practical methods.
We hope these videos give you a clearer understanding of the methods we use at school. Subtraction, Division & Multiplication methods to follow soon!!
This week we went on an exciting visit to the Safety Centre. Here we learnt all about staying safe when we’re out and about, at home and on the internet.
“It was great fun. My favourite part was making the 999 call.”
“We learnt that we shouldn’t go down dark alleys. There was a creepy spider that made us all jump when it came down!”
We all enjoyed finding out how to keep younger children safe. We know now to make sure we hold their hand near a road and cross carefully, looking both ways. In Year 2 we know we have to show calm and this will help us be role models to younger children.
Here are some photos from our trip.
We have had a very busy time in Year 2! First we visited the Natural History Museum in London. Here we found out lots of interesting facts about dinosaurs. Did you know that some dinosaurs were herbivores (plant-eaters) and some were carnivores (meat-eaters)? We really enjoyed looking at the dinosaur fossils. We also really enjoyed looking in the Creepy Crawlies area of the museum!
As well as going on the trip, we have turned our classroom into a Dinosaur land! We spent a whole morning creating a dinosaur face, cave, nest, trees and sandy area for our dinosaur to survive in.
Make sure you ask us to tell you all the exciting facts we are learning about dinosaurs every day!
After our assessments meeting at the end of last term one of the tools requested by parents was a list of verbal comprehension question to use when you are reading with your children at home.
Here is a document with the questions, a glossary and maths method videos will follow shortly!