2c had a fantastic exercise session this morning with James Ayres! It was a great way to stay active during our transition and we particularly enjoyed the team races!
We are looking forward to next week already!
Today the children took big steps in their maths learning! We have been looking at place value and children have been using the words ‘tens’ and ‘units’ to talk about numbers. We have been exploring numbers and using ‘maths talk’ to explain our reasoning.
We have used tens and units apparatus to build numbers:
We tried different number challenges and used ‘maths talk’ to explain what we found:
I am already looking forward to our next lesson tomorrow!
Today in Year 2 we made our class rules and created a ‘class promise’ together!
As a class we talked about the expectations of Year 2 learners and what we thought would be important in our classroom. The children came up with some fantastic ideas and could talk about the impact our class rules would have on our learning!
We decided our rules would help us Open, Grow and Believe so we wrote them onto hearts, stars and medals before decorating and signing our class promise.