Year 2’s doorway to their Jurassic world. The perfect way to welcome their dinosaurs project learning everyday!
Wow! What a first week back! We have investigated, created, explored and enjoyed our first week back! Have you seen any dinosaurs? We are super proud of the ambassadors that the children of 2D were this week at the national history museum! Thank you again to all the parents who gave their time to help us!
It was lovely to welcome back 2D to school and we spent most of the day working with Miss Broome to make a dinosaur lair which will form our reading corner and a large scale T-Rex.
We are very excited about igniting our learning further on our trip tomorrow at the National History Museum. Please remember to be on time tomorrow in full school uniform and with coats. Children will also need to have a packed lunch that is disposable with their name clearly labelled. Bookbags are not required tomorrow.
This week’s Golden Tea winners have shown how to grow their learning and what it means to be in a high learning zone. We love celebrating children’s talents and achievements at Brooklands Farm. We are very proud of this week’s winners!
We also celebrated children’s work with our walk of fame where children can show off their growing and learning! Here are this week’s winners!
Today in 2D we were all given a sunflower seed and were provided with the equipment and materials needed to help a seed grow successfully. We each made our own choices on what we gave our seed and will observe the changes over the coming weeks! Mr Morrison believes he will grow the biggest sunflower.
We then set up an investigation to see if a sunflower can be without any of the vital needs that any plant needs. We have 6 choices and had to predict which would grow the most and which one would grow the least. The options are:
What do you predict?
Before half term we were celebrating the success of children from across the school. The children chosen by their class teacher got to stand proudly in assembly as their achievements were celebrated. They also got to attend a ‘Golden Tea’ which allowed them the privilege of time out of class for a drink and a biscuit with Mrs Taylor.
We also celebrated the attendance winners for the week which was Mr Gray’s class. Year 3/4 also won ‘Lionel the lining up lion’, who visits the class that lines up and travels around the school the quietest and smartest, following a successful transition into the ground floor with KS1. They really have been brilliant ambassadors!
Year 2 have had a fantastic afternoon with Miss Broome working on food portraits inspired by Arcimboldo, The children worked in high learning zones to produce amazing art!
They talked about who Arcimboldo was and what he used to create his portraits.
They then looked at the fruit and veg they noticed and what parts of the faces they could identify.
Finally they created their own food portraits in the style of Arcimboldo. I am sure you will agree they look absolutely amazing and there are lots of high well beings!
We are so proud of Aya and Maddox who have shown they are calm learners. They have shown they are Open by listening to partners and taking turns. They have shown Grow by improving work and by being able to know their next steps in their learning. They have shown Believe by solving problems and helping others in their team do better.
Well done Aya and Maddox