We’ve had another really fun and exciting day today. Activities included raft building, fencing, climbing, zorbing, bushcraft, high ropes and climbing. We ended the day with a bbq, ice cream and toasting marshmallows on the campfire.
In year 5 we have had a brilliant start to our Volkswagen project. The learning that has gone on has been brilliant and the children are asking some real high level questions. The collaborative work in the class has been a highlight and a pleasure to be a part of!
We all really enjoyed our Volkswagen project on the Beetle. A group of year 5’s were able to go to the Volkswagen head office to present our work to Volkswagen employees -They were very impressed with our learning!
Here are a few photos of the work we took with us:
Year 5 were extremely lucky to be able to spend the afternoon with the artist Walter Jack. The children were given the opportunity to share their creative ideas and design different structures.