6a are on a roll!
Congratulations to the next member of our team to get his Strong and Powerful pin – you were the first boy, well done!
6a are on a roll!
Congratulations to the next member of our team to get his Strong and Powerful pin – you were the first boy, well done!
In 6a we’ve been lucky enough to give out not one…but two more Strong and Powerful badges! I can’t keep up with this growing team, they are learning so quickly.
It was wonderful to have parents with us to celebrate. Thank you for joining us.
What a week for 6A! In addition to the ‘Open, Grow, Believe’ pin we awarded earlier this week, we have now also given out our first ‘Strong and Powerful learner’ pin!
Congratulations for achieving your pin, it was lovely to have your Dad in to celebrate with us.
As a reminder, there are nine others who will be having their celebration assemblies during the first week back. I am sending invitations out today. If the day does not suit you, please contact the office as soon as you can so that we can rearrange.
It was lovely to be able to award the newest member of the 6a team her Open, Grow, Believe badge. Congratulations! I’m so glad that your Mum and Miss Langford could join us in the celebration assembly.
This week in Upper Key Stage 2 the children have been encouraged to drop and read.
We are passionate about reading at Brooklands Farm and because of this we are using Accelerated Reader to encourage and excite children about reading as well.
The children in Year 5 and 6 had an assembly about how to use Accelerated reader. They have received their drop and read passports and reading levels and have already dropped and read.
The children are so excited about reading their books and then getting to take a quiz after. The competition is on to see who can read 12 books and who can get 100% on their quizzes.
Here are some photos of the Year 6 children completely absorbed. Well done Key Stage 2!!! Don’t forget to drop and read at home too!!!!
Next week we will be introducing Drop and Read to Lower Key stage 2 and Key Stage 1.
At Brooklands Farm, we are using lunch times to improve our general health and fitness. We are aiming to achieve 180 laps of the mugga pitch over time, which will be equivalent to a marathon!
For every lap we complete, we get a counter. Our running total is being recorded by the PE team.
Here are a few pictures of our first golden mile run:
We’ve had a brilliant time revising word classes today in SPAG!
We have had a great time igniting our Nelson Mandela project. We’ve started our journey by researching about Mandela’s life and communicating this learning within our own comic strips.
This is what we’ve done so far…
Calling all year six!
There has been a typing error on the home learning.
The writing task and school leader application letters are due in on Wednesday, not Monday!
The art task is due in on Monday; however, as it is required for the ignite day! If there are any printing issues, do not hesitate to email it in to school to be printed here.
Please also be reminded that we provide a Tuesday lunch time home learning club every week. If for any reason, you would prefer to do your home learning in school with a teacher nearby to assist then do come along.
Please find a copy of the home learning task in the link below:
Note – the formatting corrects itself once you download it.
This week we have been really busy finding the gaps that have crept into our learning journeys over the summer. We have enjoyed seeing the other year six teachers in the morning for ‘close the gap’ maths groups and are really getting back into the swing of writing! We have aching hands now.
Our ‘Take One Picture’ project learning has been a great opportunity to be creative and collaborative. We are so excited to communicate this learning with our parents next Thursday (remember it is first come, first serve!).
Preparation for the Lantern Festival has already begun. Today, we began learning the choreography to the dance that we’ll be performing.
Here is a sneaky preview of our groovy moves: