On Friday, Year One were lucky to have the Year six’s come down to us and hear some readers. It was a great opportunity to show off and celebrate how far the Year One’s have come with their reading this year! Well done 1b (:
Parents and Carers,
We hope you enjoy our video about how best to support us for SATs!
Remember – breakfast club is available for all year six children Monday 9th May – Thursday 12th May (free of charge) so that we can all have breakfast together as a team each morning of SATs week. Siblings on Fen Street are more than welcome to join us!
This morning, Group D have been revising different tenses in grammar:
- Past progressive – [was/were + present participle (verb+’ing’)
- Past perfect – [had + past participle (verb+’ed’)]
- Present perfect – [has/have + past participle (verb+’ed’)]
- Past perfect progressive – [had been + present participle (verb+’ing’)]
Below is a photograph of the notes we made during the lesson, a video we watched and some websites we used to help to secure this learning. Enjoy!
The video below is a short one minute video explaining the essential reading skills of skimming and scanning a text to find information and to read at speed. Both skills are vital for you to practise in preparation for your ‘find and retrieve’ reading comprehension questions!
The website also has other pages that go into these explanations in more detail and there are practise tasks provided. A great one to do at home – enjoy!

We are fizzing with excitement about tonight! Please remember it starts at 5pm and the children are staying in school until the festival starts. The main event will be taking place on the mugga pitch but we are kicking everything off with dances on the balcony so get here early to secure a good spot!
See you later,
Year 6 team
Some of us then demonsted strong and powerful learning by presenting what behaviours they would show.
Maths this week has been amazing! From countdown to problem solving we have been extremely challenged but our strong and powerful behaviours have shone through!
Wow! What a week back-we’re exhausted already. We have had a fantastic first week of the new school year.
Throughout the week, we have been working very hard on our redrafting and review – based on Ron Berger’s Austin’s Butterfly. Here are two examples of the standard we have achieved in our redrafting so far:

On top of that, we’ve used a brilliant new learning tool called Padlet to excellent effect! Padlet lets us write collaboratively on the smartboard using our iPads. 6a even showed 3b how it is done!

But the highlight of the week was definitely Science with Mrs Khatoon, who did Bubble-ology with us! We made bubbles inside of bubbles:

Phew! What will we do next week?
We had another visit from Matt again today, who spoke to us about the redrafting process. We are looking forward to applying this to the writing that we have been working on this week!
Thank you, Matt!