The children loved exploring and mixing colours! Lots of high well-being and involvement!
Well Done Starfish Class!
It was great to see how focussed the children were when Paul Ten Brinks dad told the class about how he writes books. He explained about having small ideas and growing the ideas that take time and lots of thoughts. This will inspire the children to have a go at writing their own stories or fact books.
Thank you again for your time yesterday!
Well Done!
You are always so kind.
You listen to adults and follow the rules.
You have a huge smile and fantastic eye contact!
Keep up the great learning 🙂
Please use the same language when forming letters correctly at home.
See Powerpoint:
Click to access kineticletters%20powerpoint.pdf
The children had fun exploring different jobs and talking about what they want to be when they grow up. There were lots of discussions about being police and nurses. However, tooth fairies and super Heroes were the most popular occupation!!
You are always believing in yourself and know the school rules. You are good at listening and following instructions.
Keep up the great work!
The children loved preparing and having a special picnic with their bears!
Here is just a few photos of some of the children sharing their home learning.
Thank you for all your support at home – just 5 minutes per day when they are not too tired well help them progress more.
They have felt so proud of their achievements! Well done!