We had lots of fun creating our dream playground and discovering the colours in a rainbow!
We had lots of fun creating our dream playground and discovering the colours in a rainbow!
If you go down to the woods today you’re in for a big surprise…
We had a great time at our Teddy Bear’s picnic. We all made sandwiches and decorated biscuits for our picnic.
At our picnic we made sure that we gave our bears half of our food…. its only fair!
In Big Art this week we learned how to use different materials to create different representations of our dream playground. Did you know you could use rice crispies and cheerios to do this?!
It was lovely to see how much it meant to achieve this very important first pin.
Later on today, he proudly announced to his class friends, “I am a real Brooklands boy now!”
Some of the reasons why you got this were because:
-you inspire others to work as a team
-you are excellent at helping and following instructions
-you never give up !
Keep up your hard work!
We wanted to find out what each of the places on the bear hunt felt like so we made our own bare hunt to walk through bare footed!
Of course we had lots of warm water to warm our feet up and wash the mud away!
The children came up with some brilliant words to describe each of the places. “Cold, wet, spiky, soft, squidgy…”
We packed our backpack and went on a bear hunt! It was very exciting!
Off we go!
The children are working hard on building words, sounding out all of the sounds and blending them together. Eg, c…a…t , c..a..t, c.a.t, cat!!
Here is a fantastic website for the children to play phonic games and to explore initial sounds, www.starfall
Well done lots of doubling today…
We have been making ‘magic’ by doubling when painting!
They loved exploring what happens if you fold and print. This helped with the understanding of the word ‘double’
Keep up working hard in maths!!