We have been very imaginative with our construction this week at school. We concentrated on balancing blocks to build tall towers for princesses and used the junk modelling to build a model of a dumper truck. Amazing work Foundation!
We learned to look very carefully at ourselves to pain some self portraits!
We’ve had a fantastic first week in Foundation 2. The children have settled very well and making lots of friends.
We are now looking forward to lunch at school next week!
Year 1 has had a really good week even in the heat!
We have been talking about our learning zones and about how to behave in our talking trio groups.
A lot of the children know that green is ‘good’ and mistakes are ‘good’ (for more information look up ‘Growth Mindsets’ )
We have been engrossed in our phonic sessions and they LOVE the phonic games online.
The main ones are:
We recapped phase 2 and 3 and will be teaching phase 5.
We have also sent you some homework for the holidays about our key author ‘Julia Donaldson’
Any questions or if you need any more information come and ask the year 1 team 😀
Also, let’s Welcome Mrs.Hover back from her maternity leave! We are so glad you are back 😀
I just wanted to write a quick thank you to all the children and their parents in Jellyfish class. Your enthusiasm and dedication to learning has been amazing this year and we have achieved some amazing things together.
Thank you so much for all your kind and supportive words over the past few weeks. I have been blown away by your thoughtfulness and I feel very privileged to have worked with all of you.
I’m sure that Mrs Jenkins and Miss Mason feel the same way.
Finally, I wish you all the best of luck as you move to your new class and continue to grow your learning journey. It has been wonderful to see you all settle with your new teachers this week. I feel very proud of you all!
Just a reminder for tomorrow:
- Please come dressed in your sports day coloured t-shirt and any bottoms.
- Please wear comfortable shoes.
- Please bring a snack in a named plastic bag that we can throw away but no water bottles. We will provide drinks throughout the day.
- Please do not bring your book bags.
- And don’t forget to bring your smiles and your singing voices!
We can’t wait to have a lot of fun with you tomorrow.
The Foundation Team
We were really happy to open our doors and welcome in the community for our parent and child creative workshops that take place in school alongside resident artist Paul Smith to create some beautiful creations for this years Walking with Giants Festival.
Next Tuesday he will be working at Fen Street, we still have spaces for KS2 in the afternoon if you want to sign up. Please ask at reception.
A HUGE well done to all the children and families at Countess Way who ran on Friday for our NSPCC Fundraiser. The day was a massive success and I am so proud of the children’s resilience and belief in one another as they ran!
We have had a fantastic amount of sponsorship money in as well so thank you parents for all your support in organising this. Your children truly worked hard for every penny of that sponsorship!
I am delighted to announce that as a school we ran not one marathon… but 9!!! What an amazing achievement! Below are the ‘stats’ of what we ran so please celebrate these superb results with your families at home. There are a couple of Year3/4 who will be running this week due to being on a school trip so we will add their laps in too.
Thank you again for all your support for this event. More action pictures will be uploaded by class teachers!