We all had an amazing trip to Hazard Alley, where we learnt how to stay safe in different situations. Following our Hazard Alley trip, the Safety Centre has sent out the following press release:
Wow! What a week to end Year 2! We have been really busy this week with it being Sport week, taking part in sports day, 2 trips to Hazard Alley and getting ready for Year 3! We have all really enjoyed being active and sharing learning across the school. Thank you for all the sponsorship money – we all really enjoyed completing the challenge and worked well as a team.
This week we have focused on understanding the importance of food and exercise in keeping healthy. On Thursday afternoon we got to share our learning with Year 5 by being their ‘personal trainers’. We taught them about healthy food choices and then gave them an exercise programme to follow. The Year 5’s were very shocked when they were asked to do 50 burpies!!
We also really enjoyed sharing out maths games on Friday. Everyone shared their games with people in the class and tried their best to win!
The Year 2 team have loved teaching and getting to know the Year 2’s this year and we wish them every success in Year 3!
A massive well done to all the children that took part in Sports Day. We saw everyone having fun, trying their best and supporting each other. Thank you to all the staff that helped to make this event a success and for all the parents that came to cheer on their children!
The results were very close! Well done to the green team for claiming first place! You all believed in yourself and worked as a team to succeed!
Then an extra well done for blue team for being the best team at opening their hearts to cheer and encourage their team mates. Throughout the practices and the official sports day, we saw red team show lots of resilience and grow their skills in each activity. Yellow team were also very good at believing in each other and cheering on their team.
Well done and thank you to everyone that took part!
Year 3 had a wonderful time creating their very own living rainforest.
They welcomed the children from across the school to experience what it’s like to be immersed in the tropical rainforest. Children created enclosures, acted as tribes people and animals and were tour guides to help explain their learning.
Well done for your fantastic work!!
Everyone had an amazing time yesterday. All of the children went on the high ropes in the morning. It was lovely to have all of the children on the same activity at once, so that the adults got to work with all of the children. In the afternoon, group one went fencing and then were set a challenge in the maze. Group two went kayaking and then had to walk the plank. After dinner, we went into the sports hall where we had hired two enormous bouncy castles. We held a very competitive relay race around the obstacle course, surprisingly both teams finished neck and neck. The children finished the evening with a quiz before bed. All of the children drifted off to sleep much quicker than they did the first night.
The children are having an amazing time!
We are proving that we are strong and powerful individuals!

The coach was filled with excitement yesterday as we pulled into the Frontier centre. We quickly dropped off our bags and had an early lunch before setting off to Stanwick lakes, where the children had a great time playing on the climbing frames. Luckily the weather was kind to us and we only had a really light sprinkle while we were there.
Once we were back at the Frontier Centre, we split the children into two groups. Group one got the opportunity to walk the plank and go kayaking. All of the children enjoyed these activities and Miss Sheridan and myself managed to have a good giggle!
Group two went straight onto the King Swing and then went fencing. The children were absolutely buzzing when they returned from the King Swing and said it was incredible.
The children all finished their dinner and then made their way down to the campfire (which we struggled to get going!). Mr Crawford was determined to get the fire started so a few children put on a show for us whilst we waited for the flames to heighten.
We had a great day yesterday and are all looking forward to today’s adventure!
(Due to limited internet availability, we seem to be struggling to upload photos. We will try our best to add one or two over the next couple of days)
Year 5 Countess Way Parents and Carers,
There have been some queries recently into the details and arrangements of the Year 5 residential trip to Caldecotte.
I have checked and can confirm that all the information provided by the school can be accessed on the website:
Parents > Year 5 & 6 Residential Trip Information
On this page you will find the PowerPoint presentation that was used for the parent information evening earlier in the school year. This has all the information you need to know, including what to bring. On the page, you can also find the consent forms.
If you have any further queries that can not be answered by the information on the website, do please ask me.
Be reminded that medical forms need to be sent in as soon as possible, as does any outstanding payment for the trip.
Rebecca Snowdon, Year 5 Class teacher