Even though there are lots of coughs and colds going around, we managed to win the Attendance Trophy this week! Well done 2B!
Year 6 are very excited after we had a visit from an editor this afternoon! We now know our direction for our movie books an are ready to improve them!

Class 3b were looking fantastic on Thursday in their World Book Day costumes! Thank you to all the parents and carers for helping your children dress up and to those of you who were able to come in and read with us!
Lots of creativity, reading and great book discussions took place and it was lovely to see all of the children getting very excited about reading! In the afternoon we made dream catchers inspired by The BFG – Roald Dahl. These aren’t quite finished so we will be sharing these with you soon!
Well done 3b!

On World Book Day Year 2 were visited by the Year 4’s. We really enjoyed them coming downstairs to share a book with us! Hopefully we can do this again soon to share our love for reading.

5C have won the attendance trophy for 2 weeks running! This is a fantastic achievement!
Well done everybody!
Miss Downey
This morning we had two children receive their Individual ribbons. These are the first two to be given out and we are extremely proud of the girls! Well done!
Miss Downey