Last week we really enjoyed celebrating success in music with Year 3, 4, 5 and 6.
They performed amazingly well, some of them performing in public for time!
Here are some photos from the evening. We hope you enjoyed the music as much as we did!
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Last week we really enjoyed celebrating success in music with Year 3, 4, 5 and 6.
They performed amazingly well, some of them performing in public for time!
Here are some photos from the evening. We hope you enjoyed the music as much as we did!
Year 1 has had a really good week even in the heat!
We have been talking about our learning zones and about how to behave in our talking trio groups.
A lot of the children know that green is ‘good’ and mistakes are ‘good’ (for more information look up ‘Growth Mindsets’ )
We have been engrossed in our phonic sessions and they LOVE the phonic games online.
The main ones are:
We recapped phase 2 and 3 and will be teaching phase 5.
We have also sent you some homework for the holidays about our key author ‘Julia Donaldson’
Any questions or if you need any more information come and ask the year 1 team 😀
Also, let’s Welcome Mrs.Hover back from her maternity leave! We are so glad you are back 😀
Today, Upper Juniors have been busy designing their own classrooms. We believe that it is important that all of the children take ownership over their classrooms and work in partnership with each other and the teachers.
Some fantastic suggestions were put forward by the children and they have already started to act upon these ideas. The children understand that their environment can constantly change and be adapted to the type of learning that they are experiencing. I am excited to see how their environments progress over the course of the year.
Accelerated Reader is a tool that we invested in back in September. It assesses children’s reading skills and signposts them to read appropriately challenging books – difficult enough to keep them engaged but not so difficult that they become frustrated. We call this their ‘Zone of Proximal Development’ (ZPD). The concept of the ZPD was originally developed by Vygotsky who believed that the role of education is to give children experiences that are within their zones of proximal development, thereby encouraging and advancing their individual learning. At Brooklands Farm, a lot of our teaching practice is underpinned by Vygotsky’s theories so we were delighted when we discovered Accelerated Reader! View Miss Sheridan’s blog to find out more:
Today we had an exciting surprise visit from the police! They let us try on their uniforms and go inside the police car! They even put the sirens on and let us ‘beep’ the horn!
“I felt excited.”
“Wow! Now I want to be a police man!”
“Police cars are really cool. My favourite part was when people got put in (tried on) handcuffs!”
This was a really exciting experience and we will talk more about the police in our ‘Inspiration and Aspiration’ project!
As you can see, the new Year 5s have been busy practicing this wonderful song, written by Alyssa. They have shown real determination and commitment to learning to the words off by heart. Well done girls!
This week, year 4 have had a brilliant week. As part of the project ‘Inspiration and Aspiration’, we had a visit from Paralympic swimmer Kate Grey. She talked to us about how, if we put our minds to something, we could achieve anything we wanted too and overcome any barriers in our way. This is something we will keep reminding ourselves in Year 4.
We have investigated and researched some other inspiration people as a class: J.K. Rowling, Steve Jobs, Martin Luther King and Sir Chris Hoy. We then looked at Martin Luther Kings ‘I have a dream speech’ and wrote our own dreams for the world. Some of the children created poems on the ipads which you can watch below.
There is no Literacy or Maths homework this week, but we would like the children to talk with their parents about someone who inspired them when they were younger. We will be sharing this in a circle on Monday next week.
Have a good weekend Year 4.
Miss Bliss, Miss Cooper and Miss Gilders
One of our Year 2s came in wearing the perfect T shirt for our current project ‘Inspiration and Aspiration’ for non-uniform day today! It sparked off lots of interesting discussions about what the children could become they grow up. It was wonderful to hear children already setting goals for their future.
Here are the reading monitors from Year 3 and 4 (now Year 5 and 6!) celebrating their rewards for being such amazing reading monitors this year. They really did transform the Year 3/4 library and modelled excellent attitudes towards the books and resources in our school.
Well done everyone and good luck with your applications for your new leadership posts!