Last year, during transition, the whole school on Fen Street and Countess Way took part in The National Gallery’s Take One Picture competition. The painting which inspired our learning journey throughout transition was ‘Mr and Mrs Andrews’ by Thomas Gainsborough.
We noticed that Thomas Gainsborough’s painting was set on a farm, which reminded us that there used to be a farm where both the Brooklands Farm schools now stand. Throughout the Project, children and parents worked with the art teachers and their class teachers to create pieces of artwork, which represented the story of Brooklands Farm – what our landscape was like in the past, what it looks like now in the present and what we thought it might look like in the future…
We then created a huge collage of all the work on our 3 Brooklands Farm ribbons for the final piece.
Our work won the competition and is now being exhibited in The National Gallery in London!!
I was very privileged to be able to attend the launch party last week, when the exhibition officially opened! I had a great night, meeting some of the people who organised the exhibition and seeing some of the other schools’ work. But my favourite part was walking into the exhibition and seeing our school’s artwork on the wall of The National Gallery – it looks amazing!!! Here it is…
Please go and visit The National Gallery this summer to see our work on display in the ‘Take One Picture exhibition. If you do visit, we would love for you to take a photo of yourself in front of our work and bring it to school in the first week back so we can create a display in school of our amazing achievement!
Well done Brooklands Farm!!!
Tonight, Year 7 had their Leavers disco. Everyone who came had a really good time, socialising and dancing with friends.
Here’s a picture from the end of the night!!!

Year 4 have been working hard this week making the transition from Balance to Achieve. We were extremely inspired by WheelPower, who came in and delivered a session with all of us, giving us the opportunity to experience wheelchair sport. We have talked about overcoming challenges and being resilient as we know that this will be very important in Year 4.
We have introduced our key author for transition – Michael Morpurgo, as well as discussing several other inspirational people.
The year 4 teachers are extremely proud of what the children have ACHIEVED this week and are excited to continue the learning journey.
There is no homework this weekend as we would like the children to focus on an area of 5 for change instead. The areas of 5 for change are:
- Be Active
- Take Notice
- Be Connected
- Keep Learning
- Give to Others
Have a good weekend year 4.
Miss Bliss, Miss Cooper and Miss Gilders
As part of our transition project ‘Aspiration and Insiration’ we met paralympic swimmer Kate Grey who told us the story of how she lost her arm in farm machinery when she was just 2 years old.
Kate talked to us about determination, resilience and finding solutions! We had lots of questions for Kate and we were excited by the stories she shared with us. We enjoyed some games and activities and Kate even showed us some of her medals that she has won.

A huge congratulations to the children who came to our golden tea for coping well with change and working at above expected last week.
These children used their ‘5 for change’ to be resilient learners during their first week of transition!
We enjoyed a biscuit and a drink in the staff room to celebrate their successes!

It has been great to see how settled and focused Year 4 have been straight away during transition. They have shown how balanced they are and already look focused and determined to achieve, with many children getting lots of targets achieved on their transition cards.
It has been a pleasure to teach in Year 4 so far and I can’t wait to continue our learning journey together!
Mr Kerin
On behalf of the year 1 team we would like to warmly welcome the children, parents and carers into Year 1 😀
We have been so proud of how the children have settled last week! They have certainly started to be ‘Determined’ already!
Thank you to the families who came to the transition breakfast/teas. It was lovely to get to know you further and learn about your home values.
We are looking forward to the new week ahead, with lots of targets being met on the ‘Transition Target Cards’ and starting our ‘lanyard learning’
Thanks again for your continued support!
Thank you to all of the Year 6 children who took part in the Caldecotte Xperience residential. I was lucky enough to spend the day with the children on Friday. This was the perfect opportunity to get to know the children and see how they manage new challenges. I have to say I was amazed by the growth mindset of the children.
A number of children, who could not swim, jumped into the lake and were coached by their peers on how to stay calm and get out of the water safely. The expression on their faces when they had achieved their goals was a sight that I will cherish. These inspirational children stole my heart!
After only a week of transition, these individuals are truly ready to continue their journeys into Year 6 and become strong and powerful learners.
I’m looking forward to the year ahead!
Mrs Hern
Head of Upper Key Stage 2