Wow! What can we say? Miss White’s class have had a super start in Year 1! Both Miss White and Miss Tate have been very impressed with the children’s Determination to Open,Grow and Believe with everyone in their new class!
In Literacy we have been focusing on ‘What makes a Brooklands learner’ The children have had lots of fun learning the actions to their text map and have even started to write the text map into their books.

Miss Tate love’s a good sing song and has been teaching the children songs about capital letter’s, finger spaces and full stops. The children have even learnt a new song in maths all about number bonds! Perhaps you could practise these at home?
Today we started our project Inspiration and Aspiration and have begun by collecting knowledge about inspirational people who help us… next week we will be looking at inspirational writers,sportsman,mathmaticians and scientists!
Thank you to all the parents who came to Transition tea. It was great to meet you all and begin to connect as a community. We hope you have enjoyed the first week of Transiton as much as we did!
Miss Tate & Miss White