The BBC were at Countess Way campus today filming a piece on jobs in MK.
We’ll be on Look East tonight (29.1.16) at 6.30pm after the news on BBC1 so have a look!
Every Thursday afternoon at 2.30 for the last two weeks there has been a very calm atmosphere at Countess Way. We have started a shared reading time across KS1 & 2 and it is a truly magical experience! All staff have offered a book to read and the children have signed up to the book they want to listen too. It has been lovely to see the excitement, high levels of engagement and children whisked off into the fictional worlds of some of our favourite authors.
This half term the books include:
The Borrowers
The Magic Finger
Danny the Campion of the World
The Magic Faraway Tree
Wind in the Willows
Fantastic Mr Fox
Here we are listening to the stories.
Some members of staff have been sharing our best practise with teachers from around the world at this year’s British Educational Training and Technology Show. We’ve partnered with realsmart, who have helped to bring our whole school online, to encourage others to showcase great learning to their community.
When I walked past the hall today at Countess Way, I couldn’t help but go in and see what was happening!
The room was a buzz of energy with the learning objective: How does exercise make us feel? The children were discussing the physical and emotional feelings related to exercise.
They also couldn’t wait to show me the challenging activities which had raised their heart rates!
We have launched our Early Years Hub. It was brilliant to meet so many keen and eager early years practitioners! The discussions and idea sharing was very thought provoking!
We are working with all practitioners that work with children under 5 (schools, nurseries, child minders, children’s centres…).
The aim of our hub is to;
- Create a network between early years providers in Milton Keynes.
- Build friendships.
- Sharing good practice and CPD opportunities for all early years practitioners across Milton Keynes.
- Increase communication and collaboration between early years providers in Milton Keynes.
- Improve the percentage of children that are deemed ‘ready’ for starting school.
- Focus on school readiness, specifically writing.
- Aid transition to school.