Here is the half term homework. Have a great half term.
Year 5 Individual Homework
Due in Thursday 5th October
Spelling: Please practise these spellings in the different ways we always practise our spellings e.g. draw an image around the word, rainbow writing, segment words into sounds, look say cover write check, bubble writing, draw around the words, pyramid words, write word as quick as you can in 30 seconds as many as you can.
Week 5
-tious endings |
Cautious |
Ambitious |
Fictitious |
Infectious |
Nutritious |
Available |
Forty |
Twelfth |
Hindrance |
Government |
Mathletics/Times Table Rock Stars
Please log on to your Mathletics account and complete the activity that has been set for you. We have also set times tables activities to practise on Times Table Rock Stars to achieve your certificates in both in celebration assembly.
You need to be reading for at least 15 minutes every day at home. This needs to be a combination of independent reading and reading to an adult. Remember to record this in your reading record, even if it is not a school reading book – it can be any form of reading, newspaper, diary, story, information text etc.
Year 5 Individual Homework
Due in Thursday 28th September
Your child will have a spelling sheet with spellings that they have independently practised and they know which words they need to practise. They need to pick 10 and practise these using the different ways we practise spellings at school:
Please log on to your Mathletics account and complete the activity that has been set for you. We have also sent home your Timestable Rockstars logins. This is a great new resource we have invested in so children can improve their maths skills on times tables which is a fundamental skill for our maths learning. Please log on and explore the activities on the website!
You need to be reading for at least 15 minutes every day at home. This needs to be a combination of independent reading and reading to an adult. Remember to record this in your reading record.
Year 5 have had a great week settling in to their new classes for maths and reading/grammar, it has been wonderful to see high learning zones and open mindsets.
Please find attached the year 5 homework for this week. The homework is due in for Thursday next week.
Have a great weekend!
Miss Downey, Mrs Forbes, Miss Hearn and Mr Kerin
Year 5 team
Year 5 Individual Homework
Due in Thursday 21st September
This week in project we have been connecting our knowledge of the Titanic to our writing in literacy. We are practising our writing skills and applying these to an information text about the Titanic (thank you for working so hard on finding facts for last week’s homework – they have been really useful!). Please can you practise these speed words for your homework this week.
Success Criteria
unsinkable | Titanic | magnificent |
disappear | iceberg | additionally |
although | crew | capacity |
cruise | facilities | extraordinary |
We have been looking at expression in reading over the past two weeks and how we can make our reading sound more exciting. Please watch the clip of Michael Rosen reading his famous ‘chocolate cake’ poem with expression. Your task is to use his technique to practise reading a part of the same poem out loud to someone else using your expression skills you have been working on.
Success Criteria
Chocolate Cake – Poem by Michael Rosen
I love chocolate cake.
And when I was a boy
I loved it even more.
Sometimes we used to have it for tea
and Mum used to say,
‘If there’s any left over
you can have it to take to school
tomorrow to have at playtime.’
And the next day I would take it to school
wrapped up in tin foil
open it up at playtime
and sit in the corner of the playground
eating it,
you know how the icing on top
is all shiny and it cracks as you
bite into it,
and there’s that other kind of icing in
the middle
and it sticks to your hands and you
can lick your fingers
and lick your lips
oh it’s lovely.
Please log on to your Mathletics account and complete the activity that has been set for you.
Homework Due in: Wednesday 13th September 2017
This week we would like you to find out interesting facts about the Titanic. You may choose to find general facts or focus on a specific area such as structure or passengers. Please record your facts in your own words.
There is also a place value activity on Mathletics for you to complete.
Have a good weekend!
Year 5 team
Here is the summer reading, maths and spelling homework to complete over the holidays. Please bring it in on the first Wednesday in September.
Thank you
Year 5 Team
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Next week is Sports Week!
Please be reminded that you will need to wear clothes suitable for sports and lots of activity (no jeans) all week – Sports Day colours on Tuesday please.
As part of Sports Week next week, you will be learning about why athletes’ careers typically end a lot sooner than most other careers. In preparation for this, please collect research about a well-known athlete. You will need to include:
You may present your research in a form of your choice, as long as it is presented clearly and to the year group standard.
Sports Week begins on Monday but you have until Wednesday to complete this task. Don’t forget that you need to aim for 60 mins of daily reading and at least 20 mins of Mathletics.
Have a lovely weekend.
Individual home learning
Next week, it our whole school Sports Week, which we are very excited about. As part of preparing for this, we would like you to focus on it for your homework.
Questions to help your research:
Please bring your research with you next week, ready for Sports Week.
We are really looking forward to challenging ourselves and working together next week.
Have a great weekend!
Mrs Forbes, Mr Stott, Miss Downey and Mr Peters