A HUGE well done to all the children and families at Countess Way who ran on Friday for our NSPCC Fundraiser. The day was a massive success and I am so proud of the children’s resilience and belief in one another as they ran!

We have had a fantastic amount of sponsorship money in as well so thank you parents for all your support in organising this. Your children truly worked hard for every penny of that sponsorship!

I am delighted to announce that as a school we ran not one marathon… but 9!!! What an amazing achievement! Below are the ‘stats’ of what we ran so please celebrate these superb results with your families at home. There are a couple of Year3/4 who will be running this week due to being on a school trip so we will add their laps in too.



Thank you again for all your support for this event. More action pictures will be uploaded by class teachers!



  1. Harry had a fantastic time and came home proudly showing us his laps card. Thank you for organising. Xx

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