Year 6 had an inspirational and exciting trip where they went to visit ‘Station X’, now a museum, at the famous Bletchley Park (home of the World War Two Code Breakers).
The children had a tour of the museum and were able to see ‘The Bombe’, the machine which contributed to deciphering German codes sent by the Enigma machine, in full action as well as seeing all the other parts of the museum.
Children also had the amazing opportunity of having specialists from Bletchley Park talk to them about toys and the development and change of toys through World War Two, the development and change of communication, where we even got to communicate, using radio signals, to Russia, Austria and Spain! Finally, the children learnt how to be agents and learnt how to crack different types of codes. The children were exceptionally fortunate to have a go at sending and deciphering codes on the famous German code making machine ‘The Engima’.
We had a brilliant day! Here are some of our photos: