Last weeks Maths home learning:
In Maths, we have been growing our understanding of addition and subtraction.
This week we would like you to observe and make note of when you and your families face addition and subtraction problems at home/when you are out and about. This could be regarding: how much money is spent in a transaction in a shop/petrol station/bus station/cafe etc; how much change is given from a set amount e.g. £20; how much time you spend doing an activity and therefore, how much time you have left to do something else; how much of an ingredient you need to use in a recipe etc.
Write down in your homework books a couple of examples of how you and your families face addition and subtraction problems in day to day life e.g.
My mum, brother and I went to the cinema. We bought 1 adult ticket (£9.85) and 2 children’s tickets (£6.75). How much did we spend in total? My mum paid with £30 how much change should she get?
We will be having a discussion about all of the different ways that addition and subtraction are in our lives in Maths lessons. Please do not spend longer than 30mins writing these into your books.
Today the children were so excited to share the discussions that they have been having at home about how Maths fits into our every day lives! Have a look at some of the problems that the children faced over the weekend…