Foundation 1 have thoroughly enjoyed their story Dear Zoo this last two weeks. They have learnt the story and the song, talked about the difference between animals we see in the zoo and animals that make good pets. They have showed a good understanding of why a lion or an elephant would not make a safe pet in our homes.

The children have been painting animals from the story and creating zoos by using the small blocks and small world animals. They particularly enjoyed watching a video of Mrs Kingsman’s dog playing with her toys and sharing information about their own pets in circle time.

Don’t forget to send pictures of your pets for our pet board!



Sharing the story and creating our zoo.


Role playing walking  a dog.


Painting the ‘scary snake’ from the story Dear Zoo together.

Next week we will be moving on to the story and rhyme Little Rabbit Foo Foo. We will be practising rhyming for our phonics too and playing games such as match the rhyming words to help children grow their ability to rhyme.

At home you could play rhyming games, listen to rhymes on YouTube and make up your own rhyming strings and rhymes.

Happy rhyming!

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