This week we had an exciting visit from the RNLI. The children enjoyed talking to the volunteer about lifeboats and how to be safe around water. They even made their own lifeboats at play time and acted out being saved by the RNLI! We then went on to learning about a very special woman called Grace Darling who lived in a lighthouse and rescued a ship that had crashed. We became Grace Darling experts by ordering the story and quizzing each other on Grace Darling facts. Next week we look forward to linking our science to how we could have helped Grace Darling with her rescue.


Here we are wearing life jackets.


Here we are with the lifeboat we built.



We have ordered the story of Grace Darling and explained what is happening in each picture.

  1. Joanne McEwan ( Olivers Mummy)

    Lovely pictures and smiles. Oliver you look like you are working hard. Well done xx

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