Foot steps pattering the corridors, discussions in the classrooms, laughter from the playground and a family beginning to emerge…Countess Way Campus, Brooklands Farm is open!

This week has been fantastic! The children have settled very well into their new building and new classes. Our focus this week has been opening our hearts through building reciprocal relationships. We’ve been practising good eye contact, ‘gotcha’ smiles and greeting people with ‘good morning’.

Our first team performance happened in assembly this morning when we filmed ourselves singing a Brooklands song ready to share with the other site.

We are looking forward to exploring more about Open, Grow and Believe next week….so watch out for us growing our relationships.


  1. Miss N Bullard

    We can’t wait to see the video of your team performance! At Fen Street, we’ve been practising Brooklands songs too and our old time favourite ‘Proud’ by the singer Heather Small.

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