It has been brilliant to see children who have arrived to Brooklands Farm since September, receive their Open, Grow, Believe pin. This shows that the children are understanding and taking on board the school ethos. Thank you also to the parents who came in to share in the celebration, it’s so important for children to see us working together and celebrating their achievements together.


  1. It is so lovely to see the children so enthusiastic about achieving their pins, and great that they have settled into the school and embraced the school ethos. Thank you for inviting us to watch Sachiel getting his pin and being able to listen to the comments of his school friends about him. A wonderful occasion.

  2. Tracey Thompson

    Was lovely I was invited to see Lolah presented with her pin. The children said really nice words about Lolah, I can see she has settled well and made friends. So proud. I love that parents can be involved 🙂

  3. Mrs S Taylor

    Well done on achieving your Open, Grow, Believe pins Year 4! They all truly embrace the Brooklands’ ethos and it is fantastic to share these achievements with parents!

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