Part of becoming an individual in year 5 involves taking responsibility for our own learning journey and supporting others in theirs. For the past couple of weeks we have started to peer and self assess our work in Maths, Literacy and Project. We have made clear success criteria’s about how we should mark our own or each other’s work.
Today was the first day we used our literacy and maths peer and self assessment booklets. They take us step by step through the marking process to ensure we help each other to grow our learning.
We set each other next steps, in a green box, which we take from the lesson success criteria. We also make sure to write a positive comment in a gold box!
Peer and self assessing not only gives us more responsibility and control over our own learning it also encourages us to discuss our learning and to create an open dialogue. We trust each other and understand that we can learn from each other as much as we can from a teacher. Peer assessment helps us to grow our relationships as well as our learning and ensure we all stay connected.