This week has been assessment week!  Well done everybody, you tried really hard.

Your home learning this week:

  • Everyone has got a short reading comprehension task (double sided). Please read the text and answer the questions as best as you can.  We will be marking these in guided reading next week. This must be in by Wednesday – it needs to stay in school until it is marked.
  • Everyone has chosen five spellings from the spelling test this week that they did not get correct.  You have already written these on to a blank ‘Look, Cover, Write, Check’ sheet. Please practise these spellings daily, until you have them memorised. Use the back of the page if you run out of space.
  • Everyone has different maths tasks which have been set by each teacher. Mr Peter’s maths group has a missing number column addition task.  Miss Bold’s group have got a rounding consolidation task.  Miss Snowdon’s group have chosen one page of questions from this week’s maths test that they would like to have another go at solving.

These tasks need to be completed by Wednesday.  We do not always manage to mark the home learning on the Wednesday but do always mark it before you get given your next task.  Please, do not take your home learning home with you until it has been marked! Ideally, you should bring your home learning book in on Wednesday and take it home on Friday with your new task.  There is no need to take it sooner.


As always, please do come to home learning club on Tuesday lunchtime.  It is open to all!

Have a lovely weekend,

Miss Snowdon, Miss Bold and Mr Peters.

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