This week the home learning has two parts. First, everyone has been asked to make a red strong and powerful decoration to go on to the year group tree that is arriving on Monday.

Second, we are beginning to introduce a new element of independence and self responsibility to the children.  After completing their assessments this week, they all have conducted a detailed analysis to identify an area that they need to grow- the ‘gap’ in maths, reading comprehension and SPAG (Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar). Using these gaps, the children will use their timetable provided to complete personalised plan for how they will use their early morning work time to independently complete tasks to ‘close their gap’. They are required to consider what types of activities they would like to do, what resources they require and what specific gap will each activity close.

Teachers have been involved in this dialogue for every learner and are so are aware or very ones gaps.  We will have activities prepared to get them started on Monday morning. The children are encouraged to reflect on how they are improving across the week and adjusts their morning plans accordingly.

Both these tasks are required to be completed by arrival on Monday morning (8:30) so we suggest that Tuesday lunch is used as additional ‘close the gap’ time instead of home learning time.

Finally, the teachers have provided a list of recommended reads for year six learners for any parents looking for stocking fillers or something produced to keep their children occupied during the two weeks off of school. We hope it is useful!

A reminder, the ideal for impact on learning is 20 minutes of focussed daily reading.
Year 6 teachers

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