The children in year 4 had an amazing ignite today as they left their normal selves behind and became Egyptian slaves, dancers, Pharaohs, craftsmen and actors today.
They had an amazing morning in which they were given the alter ego of an Egyptian to perform as for the day and took part in creating a variety of different objects that would have been placed in a Pharoah’s tomb. Amazing learning zones were achieved by all of the children in the morning as they were able to physically learn about the Egyptians.

Some children made charm bracelets to place in their tomb.

Some children learnt how to create embalming oils and mummify something.

Whilst some children created their own perfume from herbs.
In the afternoon, the children became their Egyptian counterparts as slaves, dancers, Pharaohs and actors. The children were superb and were congratulated on their acting skills.

A huge thanks must be said to all of the parents, aunties and adults who helped on the day.
The children are definitely excited about the rest of their project and are looking forward to creating their own tombs.