Our Take One Picture Art final piece is nearly finished! The collage shows the story of Brooklands Farm primary school. It contains pieces of artwork, poetry, photos and QR codes linking to powerpoint presentations, made by the children from year1 – 6 on Fen Street and Countess Way, all portraying what Brooklands Farm was like in the past, what it is like in the present or what it could be like in the future.


This project has been a great way of linking the whole community: parents and teachers work also appears on the collage alongside the children’s pieces! We would like to thank all the parents who came to our workshops in September and to the Year 5 and 6 children who helped to collage all the artwork onto the final piece.


Here are a few photos of our final steps in the Take One Picture journey:

Now all we need to do is cut the collaged ribbons out and tgen it will be complete! We will be submitting photographs of our work to the National Gallery in November to enter the competition.

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