On Monday 8th December, we will be visiting Linford Wood as part our Tree Week project based on the book ‘Into the Forest’ by Anthony Browne. We will explore the forest and the atmosphere the different trees create, making observational drawings and sharing well known children’s stories set in the woods. In the afternoon we will consider what the forest is home to and begin a habitat study.
We will be leaving school at 9.30am and returning at 3pm. Please ensure that your child wears a coat, old clothes, and wellington boots or trainers as they may get muddy with the outdoors activities. They will also require a packed lunch in a disposable bag which can be thrown away when finished with. The school will provide a packed lunch for any children who receive free school meals.
Please ensure that your child has any medication with them that they may need. This should be named clearly – this includes inhalers.
Many thanks,
Iain Mortimer and Juliette Roberts