Walking with Giants! What can I say?…now it’s all over I have had a little time to reflect.

The sun shone, the children danced and sang their hearts out, teachers joined in with so much enthusiasm, parents and friends smiled, a team pulled together, an artist and his teams of children across both schools created, drummers drummed and the parade began, two schools as one, a community growing and celebrating together …grateful and proud to be part of the Brooklands Farm Legacy!

Thank you to everyone involved and of course everyone who attended!


One community together…



  1. Samantha Vernon

    Every year you manage to top the last Walking with Giants, i am truly honoured to be a part of this amazing journey and just see how every year the school has grown and is still managing to keep the Brooklands ethos. I have never experienced anything like this where the WHOLE school takes part.

    WELL DONE Miss Broome and all of your team I think you are all amazing !!

    • Cathy peters

      It was absolutely brilliant, loved all the dancing in all the year groups well done to everyone involved

  2. We thought Friday was absolutely amazing! Well done to all involved! It gets bigger and better every year! Both boys really loved being part of something so special. Many thanks The Morley-Smiths. Xx

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