This week 1A have been working very hard. We have been doing lots of writing, focusing on changing the story ‘The Smartest Giant in Town’ to ‘The Smartest Pig in London’. In Maths we have been applying our knowledge of number bonds to add numbers up to 20.

This week we finished our Sustainability project, where we made our Determined pots. We discussed what things we could grow in our pots, the children decided cress would be a really good idea!


Today, we started our ‘All about me’ project. Miss White and 1A came back into the classroom to find that Miss White’s teacher chair had been borrowed from the classroom. The children had to work really hard to work out who in school had borrowed our chair. We had the Police come and help us to think about investigating people’s characteristics. We focused on hair colour, eye colour, height, hand and feet size to work out who the culprit was. Thank goodness 1A solved the mystery, Miss White is now reunited with her chair!


Have a good weekend.

Miss White

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