Individual Half-term holiday home learning




Over the holidays, please can you create a storyboard of our visit to Warner Bros Studio tour. Think about the order in which we saw all of the different exhibits and the highlights of your day. It will need to be detailed as you will be writing a recount of the day after half term. Think carefully about what content is appropriate for a recount and what information does not need to be included.




Please complete an activity to do with measuring with your family. Take a picture or write an account of what you did to share on the first day back.

This could be:

  • Measuring the length and width of your garden accurately (in m and cm) and then calculating the perimeter (the total distance around the outside)
  • Bake a cake using g and kg
  • Create a summer drink for your family, measuring the different amounts of ingredients in ml and L.
  • Finding out the distance between your house and Brooklands Farm School (in m/km)
  • Compare the different heights of people in your house (in m and cm)
  • Write a diary of the activities that you do in the day, calculating the time it took to do each activity and recording the time you started the activity.


Please continue to use Mathletics and Hit the button over the half term as well.


Well done for all of your hard work over this half term. Enjoy a well earned rest over the next week.


Mrs Forbes, Miss Downey, Mr Stott and Mr Peters

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