Year 3 have been working on practicing using written methods to solve four questions every day. They are given an addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. This close the gap work is completed in the children’s maths books and each child has a grow sheet to track their progress each day. Importantly, they MUST show their working out – something they have not consistently been doing. This helps eliminate minor errors and is a skill required in later years for SATs and GCSE’s as marks are given for showing working out not just the final answer.

Examples of questions: 

520cm + 193cm =

342 – 139 =

5 x ____ = 40

27 9 =

How you can help your child at home…

Spend 10 -15 mins creating similar style questions and supporting your child to answer these 3-4 times a a week. Short, focused and regular practice will improve your child’s overall skills.

Any questions, please talk to a member of the year 3 team.





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