Individual Easter holiday home learning




Throughout our writing, we are always focusing on the writing ladder. It is really important that you know the ladder really well so that you can work on any gaps you may have. Over the holiday, can you please look through the ladder and research and practise the skills.


Some useful websites for researching grammatical skills are:


When you have practised these skills, please identify what your next steps need to be. Do you need to apply these skills to your writing? Are you still unsure about a particular skill. Then, after the holidays, be prepared to discuss your next steps with your Literacy teacher.    




Over the holidays, we would like you to:

  • Use Mathletics to practise skills as often as you can.
  • Continue to learn the times tables songs
  • Practise and apply your learning of times tables using games like ‘Hit the button’.
  • Practise your written methods of multiplication, division, addition and subtraction. Make sure that they are accurate.




Next term, our project will be focusing on Harry Potter. Over the holiday, we would love you to ignite your learning by choosing some activities to do over your Easter holidays.

You could:

  • Read the first Harry Potter book (Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone)
  • Watch the first Harry Potter film (or any of the films)
  • Explore the Pottermore website
  • Create a character description for one of the characters.
  • Create a persuasive advert to encourage people to attend Hogwarts school.
  • Make an advert using iMovie for the film.
  • Create a cartoon strip of a chapter of the book.


Remember, you do not need to complete all of the tasks, but choose ones that you would like to do.


Well done for all of your hard work in the Spring term. Enjoy a well earned rest over the next two weeks.


Mrs Forbes, Miss Downey, Mr Stott and Mr Peters

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