The Year 3 children have settled well into their new classes and this week saw the ignite of our first topic – Natural Disasters. Children were thoroughly engaged exploring types of natural disasters and created tornadoes (in a jar) and volcanoes that we erupted with the magic of bicarbonate soda and vinegar!
In literacy we have begun to learn an information text about earthquakes using actions to help us remember the vocabulary. Year 3, can you remember any of the text and show your grown up?
In our maths learning we have been continuing with our knowledge of place value and addition using resources to support our understanding.
We can’t wait to get stuck in with our new topic!
Our Open, Grow Believe certificates have so far been awarded to the following children:
Week 1: Leo, Harley, Ben and Dylan
Week 2: Grace, Alfie and Emilia
Week 3: Harvey, Artur, Laila
Well done for all of your hard work!