We had a wonderful time sharing our favourite books together today. Our classroom had a high wellbeing and was so balanced. Well done 3E! We discovered some new books with interactive flaps and wheels to turn. We particularly liked ‘Imagine’ by Norman Messenger. It made us laugh out loud together when we made some new faces!
The Year 3 children have settled well into their new classes and this week saw the ignite of our first topic – Natural Disasters. Children were thoroughly engaged exploring types of natural disasters and created tornadoes (in a jar) and volcanoes that we erupted with the magic of bicarbonate soda and vinegar!
In literacy we have begun to learn an information text about earthquakes using actions to help us remember the vocabulary. Year 3, can you remember any of the text and show your grown up?
In our maths learning we have been continuing with our knowledge of place value and addition using resources to support our understanding.
We can’t wait to get stuck in with our new topic!
Our Open, Grow Believe certificates have so far been awarded to the following children:
Week 1: Leo, Harley, Ben and Dylan
Week 2: Grace, Alfie and Emilia
Week 3: Harvey, Artur, Laila
Well done for all of your hard work!

Year 3 recently enjoyed a trip to a real, living rainforest. They saw a huge variety of plants and animals and didn’t even need to leave the country to see it with their own eyes! 3E’s Mooch even made a guest appearance…
Yesterday, the children were really excited to visit the new Willmott Dixon health centre and be some of the first people to see inside the developing building. We had to wear our safety equipment including a hard hat, hi-vis jacket and safety gloves.
The children were very thorough in their questioning, wanting to know how much it was costing, how the building was prepared, how the company chose appropriate sites to build on and what all the different rooms are going to be used for. We were even allowed to look down a VERY deep opening where there will eventually be a lift. The children were very lucky because they were given a little free gift.
What an excellent morning out discovering a building site!
As you can see, teachers have been busy this morning putting the finishing touches to the Year 3’s new rainforest learning environment! The children’s reactions were priceless – with my favourite quote being ‘I’ve never seen a classroom like this before!!’ See the speech bubble below for further quotes from the children.
The Year 3’s have pointed out that the Rainforest needs more flowers and animals so they will be continuing to create these this morning!

Today, all of Year 3 have been busy creating a rainforest environment in their classroom. I’ve seen every single child in learning zone 5, displaying amazing creativity and team work! After school, the teachers have been busy putting all of the children’s creations together and the classrooms are already looking wonderful! Watch this space for more photos next week!