Brain week has begun! In year 5 we started brain week with some visitors from the Brain Injury Rehabilitation Centre, who gave us lots of general knowledge about the brain and how to look after it.

Each year group have a different focus for their project, year 5 are looking at endorphins and how they affect our mood and consequently our learning. We started by researching what endorphins were, as well as how and when they are released into the brain.
Year 5 have decided to hold their own investigation about endorphins. As a result of their research they found out that endorphins are released after exercising or after eating chocolate. Their research will therefore monitor their well being and learning zones while completing work after exercising, eating chocolate and without encouraging the release of endorphins. We have predicted that the release of endorphins will have a positive impact on our well being and learning zones as they are supposed to relieve stress.
They will be creating diary entries and line graphs to log their well being and learning zones.

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