This week we started our new project: Brains! We asked some BIG questions and hope to find out the answers this week! Mrs Odell was blown away when one of us asked ‘How do neurons work?’ and ‘How does our brain remember things?’! This week we want to find out as much as possible!

This afternoon we were learning about a growth mindset to find out how our brains help us when we find something tricky. First, we talked about how we feel when we find something hard and we had a very interesting discussion about this. Some of us used words such as ‘worried’ and ‘anxious’ whilst others said ‘excited’ and ‘challenged’!

After that, we talked in our trios about real life situations we remembered where we had had to have a growth mindset. Lots of us said maths and literacy!

To find out more about growth mindset and how our own brains think, we all had a go at a mindset questionnaire! Luckily, we all had really high scores! We are looking forward to our next challenge so we can use our growth mindset!!

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