Friday 4th December 2015
Dear Parents and Carers,
As part of our Tree Project, we will be looking at the beautiful story ‘The Giving Tree’ by Shel Silverstein. This will be linked to our Ethos with a focus on the word ‘Open’. We will learn what trees can give to our community and what we, ourselves, can give to others in our Brooklands community.
We are going to build our own Giving Tree in our Year 1 learning environment which will inform our community about the different skills we have and show the different ways we can be ‘Open’ and give to others.
We would like to invite you into school on Friday 11th December between 8.30-9.30 to join your child’s class and teacher to join in with the learning and create decorations for the Giving Tree.
We will be providing materials to create the decorations. However, you are welcome to bring in your own decoration materials to use with your child during the session.
We look forward to sharing a morning of learning with you all.
Kind regards,
Year 1 Team
Next week we will be starting our project ‘The Giving Tree’
Please find attached the home learning for the last two weeks of term.
Please click the link below to download:
Year 1 Team
This week in project we are building new homes for the Three Little Wolves. They must be both windproof and waterproof and protect the Wolves from the Big Bad Pig! In preparation for our build we have been designing our houses and adding labels of the materials we will use to build them. We enjoyed looking through all the cardboard, bubble wrap and bottles to find the perfect ones for our houses.
We look forward to showing you our builds soon and if you have any “junk” for our models please bring these in!
This week in Year 1 we are learning how to peer review learning. The children have started visiting the review stations in their classrooms and asking key questions to review learning against success criteria.
Key questions we need to remember are:
What learning have you completed?
Have you followed each step of the success criteria?
What have you done well?
What do you need to grow?
What is your next step?
This week we have started our new story in literacy: “The three little wolves and the big bad pig”. Using our text map we now know lots of actions to help us remember the story. We have magpied lots of exciting new words that we will use in our writing.
We are also using the story in our project work, looking at different materials and their properties. We hope to design a house that will keep the wolves safe from the big bad pig.
Today we had lots of fun learning about fractions in maths. We half filled up bottles with magic water, split shapes in half and painted them different colours, shared buckets of sand between two and split objects around the room in half. We then looked at finding half of different amounts.
Next we will be looking at quarters and shall be cutting up fruit to help us. Yum!
Hello Year 1!
Here is your home learning for the next two weeks.
We can’t wait to share it with you during circle time on Wednesday 2nd December!
Just click the link to download: 20thNov
Have Fun!
Year 1 Team
The Year 1 children at Fen Street will be focusing on materials over the next two weeks as part of their project ‘Through The Key Hole’.
The children will be conducting lots of scientific experiments to find out which materials are windproof and waterproof in order to build their very own street of houses.
The Year 1 team are collecting as much junk modelling as possible to help the children build their spectacular creations!
If you have any cardboard boxes, plastic bottles, bubble wrap and recycling materials you wish to dispose of PLEASE bring them into school and drop them off at the Year 1 entrance where there will be a box for you to put your donated materials in.
Thank you for your support.
Year 1 Team
Wow! 1a have seen some excellent home learning recently! We have had some superb Stuart houses and fact books come in for the Great Fire of London, along with some fantastic diary entries. I have really enjoyed looking at them all.
For Autumn, we have also seen some super pieces of artwork! I have been very impressed with all the different materials you have all used, from cotton wool to twigs and leaves on canvas!
Please feel free to take a look at the home learning currently on display. As a class we will be looking at our home learning in our check-in circles this week. Well done to everyone. I look forward to seeing more of your home learning soon.