Today the children in year one have been having lots of fun learning all about the months of the year, their birthdays and autumn! They have had very sticky fingers from cutting and sticking lots of autumn leaves that the children had found when out on walks. Take a look at their great autumnal animals.
Year one have been busy learning all about themselves this half term. We have enjoyed exploring our senses, learning about ourselves and others, along with our likes and dislikes. This also linked in with our target cards, earning our ticks for taking turns, sharing and showing good listening skills.
Thank you to all of the parents who came in to share their child’s learning this morning, the children were so excited to show you what they have achieved so far.
In year one next week we will be learning all about the exciting season autumn. If you happen to spot any leaves that have fallen off of trees or conkers when you are out and about this weekend, we would love it if could collect them and bring them into school so that we can use them for our activities. Enjoy your weekends year 1!
Miss Pinder, Mrs Francis and Miss Draper.
Following a handwriting course KS1 teachers were lucky enough to attend, 1b have been learning how they can exercise their bodies and minds to achieve even better handwriting and learning throughout the curriculum, not just in Literacy. Here are some pictures of us warming up to do amazing writing.
We are so excited to welcome you back on Monday and are really looking forward to hearing all about your summer adventures!
Over the summer we have tried to create a learning space that will help you grow your ‘determined ‘ muscles. Here’s a sneaky peak of our writing, project and maths areas…
See you with a great big gotcha smile on Monday morning!
Mrs Francis, Miss Pinder & Miss Draper
As the new school year approaches I wanted to remind you of what a fantastic journey you all had last year. You have all grown strong determined muscles and I am so proud of how you all transitioned into your new year groups.
Good luck in your new classes with your new teachers…Don’t forget …nothing can stop you learning!
Mrs. Lotz x
Summer Holiday Homework
During our transition Project, we looked at the painting ‘Mr and Mrs Andrews’ by Thomas Gainsborough. We will be continuing to link our learning to the painting in September, as part of the National Gallery’s ‘Take One Picture’ project.
Please choose at least one of these activities to do for your summer holiday homework:
- Re-create the painting ‘Mr and Mrs Andrews’ in your own style! You could paint it, collage it, do it as a mosaic, sketch it etc
- Research Thomas Gainsborough – his life and his most famous pieces of artwork. Create a Powerpoint presentation or information leaflet about him.
- Pretend you are Mr or Mrs Andrews and write your diary. You could share how you are feeling, your thoughts on your relationship etc.
- Write a story with Mr and Mrs Andrews as your main characters and their farm as the setting.
Please bring your homework into school on the first day back, Monday 7th September, so that classes can share what they have done over the summer together.
If you are looking for a day out which will link to our ‘Take One Picture’ Project, then we recommend you visit the National Gallery in London and find Thomas Gainsborough’s painting ‘Mr and Mrs Andrews’ to have a look at the real thing!
We have been learning about the differences between the left and right brain.
We have learnt the text map for a Dr. Seuss poem and have been thinking about how to make it even better. Tomorrow we are going to be writing our even better sentences about the brain into our Brain Books.
We are so excited about sharing them in assembly on Friday.
Year 1 have had an amazing time at Shuttleworth learning all about aeroplanes!
We learnt about the materials used to build the planes and we were shocked that most of the old planes were made using fabric.
All of the planes (except 3) in the collection are regularly flown by the pilots. They must be very brave!