Please have a look at some ideas to help your child at home.
Here is the spelling list for Year 5/6 –
The spelling list and information about spellings for the whole of key stage 2 can be found on this website –
Thank you to all the parents who came to the SATs information evening in the first week of the half term. Here is a link to the powerpoint with all the information shared during the evening in case you were unable to attend.
The video below is a short one minute video explaining the essential reading skills of skimming and scanning a text to find information and to read at speed. Both skills are vital for you to practise in preparation for your ‘find and retrieve’ reading comprehension questions!
The website also has other pages that go into these explanations in more detail and there are practise tasks provided. A great one to do at home – enjoy!
Thank you to all the parents who attended our Year 5 and 6 workshops tonight. We know it was a lot of information to take in all at once but hopefully you have improved your understanding of how we teach Maths, Reading, Writing, Spellings and times tables in school and have some more ideas of how you can help in some of these areas at home.
Powerpoints, resources and handouts will be posted on the website soon.
Year 5 and 6 team
Year 6 have had a fantastic day today on their Viking Ignite. We spent the morning pretending we were real Vikings and Saxons, making lots of Viking artefacts, including:
- Viking rune necklaces
- clay pots
- candles
- clay brooch casts
- Viking runes and bags to put them in
- medicine bags
We then heard some Viking stories and learnt new facts about the Viking and Saxon period.
We would like to say a huge thank you to everyone who made such an effort with your Viking outfits, you looked amazing!!